Friday, October 30, 2009

Bethany Methodist Weekday School Fall Portraits

What fun, what fun...
that is what you get when you have the awesome opportunity to photograph about 125 preschoolers individually and with their siblings! It really is fun. Some of the children just look at you like you are absolutely crazy (I have heard kids have that sense), some cry, some smile, some hide their face. It's awesome!

I enjoy providing parents with a glimpse of their sweet baby when they aren't around. It's like a little surprise I get to be a part of. Really cool. Hopefully, I have a lot of pleased parents and maybe a few grandparents!

Here is as little of what I captured in 95+ degree weather in between rainstorms, de-crusting noses and a few blank stares... Thanks Mrs. Tammie, Ms. Bianca, the baby teachers and the teacher of the boy with the green shirt. You turned many unsure faces into delight and joy!

Check out the beauty, innocence & joy of these sweet things.

Her eyes say it all.


Such a sweet & beautiful girl.

Could these girls be any cuter?! Love their names.

Are you kidding me? Aren't they the sweetest things ever! This would grace my wall forever. The girls would be graduating from high school...still hanging. About to get married...yes, still hanging. Bringing their children over for me to babysit...yes, still up - maybe moved to a table near the couch since my vision won't be as good. I'll be a GraNdMa!

Can you say uber-stud? What a cute boy.



My buddies. These guys are awesome - the fox & the hound.

I asked them how old they were now?

Love this...

He is a cool kid.

He was so fun & silly.

See, I told you...

This guy was all smiles and so cooperative. Such a sweet boy.

This girl is full of life! I think everyday is a party in her world - so full of joy & happiness. I had the opportunity to photography her in the spring. She has this smile down perfectly!

This little princess has the most beautiful eyes and smile. I am sure she lights up a room everywhere she goes.

The word on the street is that this sweet chicky is a covergirl. I can see why. Look at that smile. Yikes. Could she be any happier?!

Any more beautiful...

This guy was awesome! Such a flirt. I would say date him if he would be my boyfriend. Precious.

Love this - her eyes, her hair. Such a sweet & pretty girl.

Bethany Methodist Weekday School is located in Houston near the Medical Center. For more information on this great school, check out

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ashley & Casey

Amazing. It really was an amazing wedding. Ashley & Casey were married in July. You may remember their super fab engagement pics & their Paris adventure from a few months back.

Their wedding fell right in line with everything else. Beautiful, enchanting, fabulous & fUn! Serious fun. You have to understand weddings like this just don't happen to be these things. The root of a memorable and "real" wedding is the people, the families who come together to make the day what it is. It was such an experience to watch these families in action. They were awesome.

Serretts & Dubbeldes, thanks for allowing me to be a part your magical day. What a treat. Caroline, you rock for paving the road with your family & friends that has been such an adventure for me.







This is Will. I love Will. Will rocks. He has awesome parents!




This is Ben. Ben is Will's brother. Ben is awesome. Ben had THE wedding outfit of the day.


These 2 are slightly in love with each other. The partied like rockstars & have friends we all wish we had.


They are also very hot! Wow...


Sunday, September 13, 2009

the Beautiful Sana

For those of you not on Facebook, I had to share a handful of portraits from Sana's bridal session. She married on 9.4.09 to Matthew Fox. Beautiful outdoor ceremony at sunset. It was awesome. The officiant did a standing flip as the bride and groom recessed following the kiss. Pretty cool & a first for me to witness.

Enjoy the shots of Sana. She is amazing - beautiful, intelligent, sweet, sincere & fun.







Friday, May 22, 2009

Kindergarten?! Are you sure?

This sweet little mama is graduating from pre-K today. Can't even believe it. It seems like just a few days ago I heard my doctor say "It's a girl!" and I was like "No way!" I couldn't even believe it. I just knew she was another boy. When I was pregnant I looked the same as I did when I prego w/ the boys and threw up just as much. Needless to say, it was a huge surprise and I felt like I had won the lottery. I looked at my mom and said, "Go buy the pink!"

She is such a blessing to our family. Happy day to you, Caroliney!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I can't believe I am here

You know when you have those moments when you are sitting somewhere and it hits you - wow, this is my life. I am having that experience by the minute. I am blessed to be in the presence of photography greatness. Kevin Kubota and Dane Sanders are pouring their hearts & brains out to 20 something photographers from all over - England, Canada, DC, the South, the Midwest, the East Coast & more. I just hang on every word.

It's amazing.
It's bound to be life-changing.
It's inspirational.
It's thought-provoking.

I am loving it (obviously) and can't wait to share more (including pics).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

things that bring me...


Thought I would have a little fun today and show a few things that aren't my peeps that make me smile & bring joy into my life.

a #1 & w/o a doubt - I love Coke

Of course shopping tops the list - junk stores, flea markets, garage sales - love 'em all

Antiques - that love was passed down from my Mom. I feel like each old piece of furniture or dish we own has it's own story. So cool.

I am not a huge music fan, but I loved this old radio and I really enjoy listening to Christian music and soundtracks (laugh if you want). And, when I die & go to Heaven I will be a huge fan of hip-hop because I will be able to dance in Heaven, I just know it.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Leyva & Emiliano - 01.17.09

I love weddings because of beautiful people like this. Meet Leyva & Emiliano. They married in January at St. Anne's Catholic Church in Houston. The reception followed at the University of St. Thomas.

Leyva & Emiliano are beautiful inside & outside - smart, fun & kind. I love genuine people. They both have neat friends & family that seem to make their lives complete. I am happy that they are so blessed.

Wishing you two many years of bliss.



I forgot to mention Emi, their sweet little buddy. As you can imagine, he stole the show...
